Cordax LWT Panning for Bakken Gold at the WBPC 2012 in North Dakota

With the recent success continuing to drive interest in the Bakken formation in the Williston Basin this year's conference theme of "Bakken Gold" is quite appropriate. The "Bakken Gold" rush has been driving the industry activity to record levels in North America without any signs of letting off the gas. This week's North Dakota rig count is at a staggering 197, up 22% from last year's count of 162.

Of the 197 rigs drilling, the majority are horizontal wells. Current production for North Dakota are 395 to 425,000 bbl/day range and will continue to increase with the current drilling activity and the new exploration horizons such as the "Tyler formation."

With the surge in activity levels there is a dedicated session for Emerging Bakken Technologies at this year's Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. Cordax LWT Inc has been invited to introduce our technology specializing in horizontal well logging, and will also have an exhibit booth at the conference.

Stop by booth #11 at WBPC 2012.
