Is the acquisition of openhole logs too risky or require too much expensive rig time?
Our Solution
LWT - Logging While Tripping allows acquisition of openhole logging data without disruption of drilling operations. LWT is a patented technique in which memory based openhole logs are acquired in a method that is more cost effective, uses less rig time, and has fewer inherent risks than wireline, shuttle (thru-the-bit), or logging-while-drilling (LWD) methods. LWT allows openhole logs to be acquired in vertical, deviated, horizontal and tough logging condition wells where logging was previously considered too risky or too expensive.
Our Solution (Continued)
With more than 1000 jobs acquired worldwide in onshore and offshore applications, LWT tools have achieved greater than 98.5% uptime with no tools ever being lost in hole. LWT operations are simple, safe, and reliable:
LWT drilling collars are positioned in the BHA during the last bit run and used for normal drilling operations.
The slim LWT tools are pumped down through the drill pipe and latched into LWT collars once TD is reached.
Vertical, deviated, horizontal and tough logging condition wells can be safely logged while tripping out.
At all times during LWT operations full well control is maintained allowing pipe rotation, reciprocation and circulation.
There are no wireline, tractors, shuttle systems or specialized bit designs required.
Ample 72 hour battery life as well as tools rated to 300°F (150°C) and 14 kpsi (100MPa) ensure a wide range of applications.
Tools and sources may be retrieved by slickline or wireline at any time during operations.
With full retrievability, lost-in-hole charges are virtually eliminated.
LWT's total cost (service + rig time) is significantly less than any alternate openhole logging service.
The real cost of openhole logging is the incremental rig time used in conveyance and acquisition. LWT acquires wireline quality data while essentially eliminating this considerable expense and mitigating operational risk.
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See how Cordax adds value to your colleagues…
Openhole logs allowing full petrophysical interpretation in all well geometries.
Data interpretation to optimize completion program and enhance producibility
Optimize production and accurately book reserves
Explore Cordax well optimization benefits…
Formation Evaluation method replacing wireline, LWT, TBL, and pipe conveyed OH logging methods
Wireline quality petrophysical data acquired during routine trip out of well
Eliminates bridging and lost-in-hole (LIH) exposure versus other methods
No extra pipe trip or hole conditioning
Data acquisition in any well trajectory
Tools pumped into BHA only when required, reducing wear and risk
Casing point detection
Evaluate Multi Laterals
Kick-off point detection in build section
Deployment at any point during drilling operations
Virtually invisible to drilling and well construction activities
Rig time savings by reducing extra trips
Allows timely completion decisions
Incorporates well data such as mud logs, gas, ROP, pore pressure
Frack strategy optimization
Completion design optimization
Optimal zone selection
Accurately locate and plan frack stages incorporating well parameters with LWT acquired Neutron, Density, Resistivity and Spectral Gamma Ray
Providing the physical property data necessary for production optimization
Compete geological model and update reserve calculation in resource plays